
A new perspective for businesses to scale climate innovations

In a world striving for a Net Zero future, 企业需要可靠的方法来衡量它们对全球脱碳努力的贡献. 应对这一挑战的一个重要部分在于避免排放和基于干预的碳核算概念. 水务署发表首份跨界别的《正规博彩十大网站》,由水务署领导, alongside our forward-thinking member companies and partners in policy, finance, and research.

Welcome to WBCSD’s dedicated page on Avoided Emissions. 避免排放是扩大低碳解决方案规模和展示企业应对气候挑战能力的关键概念. This page provides insights into our Avoided Emissions guidance, industry use cases, our collaboration with finance and policy actors, and the future of low-carbon innovation.

Why avoided emissions matter


So, 避免排放可能是加速脱碳的一个强有力的概念,因为它允许根据其脱碳潜力比较解决方案,并确定潜力可以最大化的市场. 这样的减排为评估气候解决方案提供了一个全面的图景,并支持开发和扩大实现净零排放所需的产品和服务.

For decades, 企业气候行动的重点是风险导向的,重点是按照《正规博彩十大网站》等ESG框架减少库存排放, CDP, and GRI. 虽然这些框架对于企业在其运营和供应链中减少排放仍然至关重要, 向大规模减排的必要转变未能实现. Building on these existing frameworks, 企业需要了解和衡量自己解决气候挑战的能力,并通过其产品和服务为更广泛的系统转型做出贡献

The global transition to Net Zero is entering a new phase, (跨)部门问责制和协作在哪里脱颖而出. To meet the shared goal of achieving Net Zero globally by 2050, companies need to transform into climate solution providers. 只有当他们了解自己的产品和服务对他人的影响时,这才有可能.


Guidance on Avoided Emissions

正规博彩十大网站排名框架公约关于避免排放的指南》可以成为将避免排放和基于干预的碳会计与全球公认的基于清单的碳会计标准相协调的关键的第一步. It is the result of a rigorous multi-stakeholder consultation process, involving multinational companies, NGOs, academia, and existing literature. 本文件旨在实现方法上的统一,并就公司如何评估和利用其解决方案的脱碳影响提供具体指导.

Looking ahead

How we’re building the primary platform to scale low-carbon solutions

与水务署的“避免排放工作流程”探讨气候行动的未来. 我们希望采用循证驱动和多方利益相关者的方法,发展和利用气候解决方案的影响核算 & solution providers, 将机遇导向的视角引入企业气候行动,建立在强有力的防范措施和透明度的基础上. We operate along three workstreams

Implementation: 确定和实施避免排放的解决方案是我们工作的重点. Therefore, 我们致力于通过专门的存储库共享用例和见解,以创建最佳实践并改进方法方法. Additionally, 我们正致力于开发《正规博彩十大网站排名》在各行业的具体应用,以协调方法和提供管理指导.

Finance & Policy: 协作是我们动员系统转型方法的核心. 我们正在积极与金融和政策行为体合作,共同开发资助和激励低碳解决方案的方法和工具. Our goal is to strengthen the relationship between industry, 政策和私人/公共转型融资议程,并为脱碳途径提供解决方案方向.

Methodology & Standard: In our ongoing pursuit of transparency and practicability, 我们致力于发展和加强领先的跨部门避免排放核算框架. This involves constant efforts to increase robustness, usability, 和采用,同时与既定的标准机构,如温室气体议定书和ISO. 我们在以干预为基础的温室气体核算的正规化和标准化方面发挥着关键作用.


& Insights


Let's transform

Alexander Nick

Senior Director, Climate Action

Louise Patzdorf de Oliveira

Senior Manager, Communications

Marvin Henry

Senior Manager, Avoided Emissions

Zara Parian

Associate, Communications