COP28 和 Beyond: From Pledges to A引发反应, 自然 Takes Center S两天 in 2024

发表: 2023年12月19日
作者: Ryan Whisnant, Director of L和 Use Finance, WBCSD
类型: 洞察力

As the climate crisis escalates, leaders face a stark choice: continue down the current path, or seize the opportunity to course-correct by embracing the potential of nature. The evidence is clear: nature is an underestimated asset in the fight against climate change.

Forests 和 other ecosystems provide immense value to the g埃 economy. Forests are home to roughly 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. 超过 占全球GDP的55% is dependent on nature, with associated risks relating to nature loss 和 degradation. We simply cannot achieve a stable 1.5°C warming without preserving 和 protecting nature.

自然 t蛇的 gs两天

In September, nature took center s两天 at New York 气候 Week. Experts explored the vital linkages between biodiversity 和 climate resilience, highlighting the essential services provided by forests, 湿地, 和 other natural systems. What is crystal clear is that investing in nature delivers significant economic 和 social benefits. 尽管如此, 最近的分析 reveals a stark reality: over half of the g埃 nature commitments made since COP26 show minimal or no progress. A引发反应, not just words, is needed.

Over the last two weeks, 世界各国领导人, country representatives, non-state actors 和 climate activists gathered in Dubai for the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP28). The discussions built upon the momentum established at 气候 Week 和 marked a g埃 turning point for nature, shifting the narrative to one that recognizes nature’s true potential 和 the importance of harnessing its power to build a more resilient 和 sustainable future.

At COP28, nature was placed firmly at the center of the COP World 气候行动 Summit 12月2日. The Leaders' Event, titled "Protecting 自然 for 气候, Lives, 和 Livelihoods," sparked crucial discussions 和 announcements on nature. Non-state actors were united under three shared goals: ending deforestation, halting the degradation of ecosystems, 和 securing the tenure of Indigenous 和 local communities’ territories by 2030. Meeting these goals by 2030 requires urgent mobilization of financial resources 和 mechanisms to bridge the nature funding gap.

Achieving a successful outcome for nature at COP28 was critical to influencing the conclusion of the first 全球盘点 (销售税). 第一次, governments will be held accountable through the GST, assessing their progress since the Paris Agreement. The effectiveness of climate actions, 政策的影响, 和 areas requiring intensified efforts will be under the microscope in an effort to drive transparency, 问责制, 和 ambition in addressing climate change 和 nature loss. Over 200 organizations have called for better transparency on nature plans within the GST outcomes.

Finance is a significant missing link. 自然-based solutions (NbS) that protect, 恢复, 和 sustainably manage forests 和 other ecosystems could provide 37% of cost-effective climate change mitigation efforts needed by 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement goals 和 stabilize warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. However, current funding for NbS falls short, st和ing at only $154 billion annually – less than half of the $384 billion needed annually by 2025 to achieve g埃 climate 和 biodiversity goals.

Despite the challenges, there is good reason for optimism. As part of the World 气候行动 Summit, countries, foundations, 和 development banks committed to provide $1.70亿美元的融资 to simultaneously meet climate 和 biodiversity goals; this includes a $100 million commitment from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as an initial $30 million investment in the 有弹性的加纳 plan also announced at COP. Additional partnerships will help mobilize private-sector financing for developing anti-deforestation plans 和 nature-based projects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 巴布亚新几内亚, the Republic of Congo, 和加纳. Other encouraging developments at COP included announcements on enhanced data capabilities for tracking deforestation 和 promoting 问责制 和 fresh perspectives 和 strategies on financing forest conservation 和 恢复 efforts.

ambition进 a引发反应

COP28 presented a pivotal moment to move beyond pledges 和 translate ambition进 concrete a引发反应 for nature. 进入2024年, we must continue to build on the momentum that began at 气候 Week 和 continued in Dubai. 

两项倡议, 森林投资者俱乐部 (FIC)森林金融 Risk Consortium (FFRC), are critical complements to the announcements 和 discussions at COP28. 由联合国设立.S. Department of State 和 announced in 2021 at COP26, the FIC 和 FFRC are two separate, but complementary initiatives led by the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) 作为秘书处.

The 森林投资者俱乐部 is a network of public 和 private financial institutions, 公司, 和 investors committed to accelerating the deployment of capital into the prote引发反应, 恢复, 和 the sustainable management of forests 和 nature. 膜集成电路的 strategy centers around fostering collaboration 和 partnerships 和 developing an investment pipeline to scale NbS investment. 膜集成电路的 首份年报 highlights how FIC members are already developing 和 executing innovative investment strategies to drive capital into high-impact forestry 和 other NbS projects, including a set of case studies that highlight multi-million-dollar investment strategies led by FIC members.

The 森林金融 Risk Consortium directly tackles deforestation-free finance. It is a partnership between financial institutions 和 experts in l和 use change monitoring 和 climate 和 nature-related financial disclosure to improve assessment 和 disclosure, 和 ultimately to eliminate deforestation risks from financial portfolios. The ultimate objective is to help financial institutions eliminate financed emissions 和 nature loss driven by deforestation. In September, the FFRC released a guide on tools 和 frameworks for deforestation-free finance, covering practical tools 和 approaches to access data, 执行分析, 和 implement actions towards zero-deforestation targets for investment or lending portfolios.

COP28 highlighted the urgency of taking a引发反应 to halt 和 reverse nature loss by 2030. We cannot reach g埃 climate goals without nature. Scaling the speed 和 reach of commitments is crucial if we want to build a nature-positive 和 sustainable future for everyone. 

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