改变课程: A global business perspective on development and the environment

发表: 12月11日
类型: 出版

改变课程 is a practical introduction to new and necessary methods of running businesses so that the realities of business and the marketplace support the realities of the environment and the needs of human development.

Gathering the expertise of more than 50 leaders of multinational corporations and backed by an array of case studies showing existing best practices, 改变课程 provides an extensive analysis of how the business community can adapt and contribute to the crucial goal of sustainable development—which combines the objectives of environmental protection and economic growth.

All of its recommendations are linked by the belief that only by allowing market forces to operate freely and integrating the "polluter pays" principle into environmental and economic policy can sustainable development be achieved.

改变课程 focuses first on the often adversarial relationship between business and government in chapters that discuss full-cost pricing and market signals, 能源, 资本市场, 贸易, 管理变化. 它显示了环境成本, 通常是看不见的, can best be factored into production, 投资, 和贸易. And it calls for a rational long-term 能源 strategy that balances the 能源 needs for economic development with a policy shift toward the payment of pollution costs and 能源 efficiency - changes that demand new thinking and increased flexibility by policy makers in both the public and the private sectors.

改变课程 then explores business to business relationships, beginning with the sensitive topic of corporate reporting in environmental areas and discussion of how an environmentally conscious firm is managed. Chapters look at optimal products and processes, product stewardship in retail and trading companies, at new practices for such renewable resource industries as forestry and agriculture, and at the need for new long-term partnerships to boost economic development and environmental standards in the developing world.

改变课程e concludes with a detailed look at the implications of sustainable development for business in the developing world, 在哪里, as former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi pointed out, poverty itself is a great polluter.


"The question is no longer whether business must change to meet the challenges of the global environment, 甚至当. The issue of the 1990s is how, and 改变课程 lays out the most forward-looking guideline in print for harnessing the resources of the modern corporation to the task of environmentally sustainable development. This timely book is nothing less than a roadmap to the corporate future."
James Gustave Speth, President, World 资源 Institute


"The book developed by Schmidheiny and the BCSD, 改变课程: A Global Business Perspective on 发展 and the Environment, has become required reading for enlightened business leaders in the 1990s; it lays out the path for the future of environmental entrepreneurship."
——威廉·K. 赖利 (in: United States Environmental Protection Agency Journal, 1992年9月/ 10月)


Stephan Schmidheiny 是Anova Holding AG的董事长. 瑞士实业家, Schmidheiny founded the Business Council for Sustainable 发展 after he was named Principal Advisor for Business and Industry to the secretary general of the 1992 ‘Earth Sum麻省理工学院’ in Rio. He was the principal author of 改变课程 and is now the honorary chairman of the WBCSD.
Read about Stephan on his website at http://www.stephanschmidheiny.org/


改变课程: A Global Business Perspective on 发展 and the Environment 

Stephan Schmidheiny
1992年4月| 373页. | isbn 0-262-69153-1


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